Hello day.
Hello you. Glorious, glorious day, you.
Last dayofschoolandexams day glorious you.
I'm so happy, that you have made it here before I lost my fucking mind.
And let me tell you how close I was to losing said fucking mind.
I was THIS close. || <--
School is officially over. I have passed grade 11, I'm going to be in grade 12 next year, hot damn!
That's 75% finished high school.
Three quarters.
0.75 of 1 entire high school experience. (And not a good one)
I (believe I) passed all of my exams, except for maybe art but that's a different story that we will not discuss since it is unimportant.
Now what did I do today you ask?
Well. If you are just dyyyyying to know, then I guess I can tell you.
Tell us, tell us, pleaseee.
Alright! Don't puke excitement all over my shoes please, that's disgusting.
Today I wrote my last exam: English. Then I went home, put on my pajamas and thought to myself,
Self, Erica is probably going to call you very soonAnd she did, because she's sweet like that. So I organized my room a little bit (I still can't say it's clean) and E (Not liking the nicknames, and you really do belong in a rave!) came over. We went out for food and then went to Shoppers where we met up with Christopher. It was still hot and sunny out so we went swimmin' in ma poool (H).
We weren't swimming for long when both my brother and mother run out to the backyard in distress.
Me, "What is it?"
Mother, "Oh my God, I can't even speak!"
Brother, "There was an earthquake!"
Me, lolwut? "True.."
So yeah, we missed the frikken earthquake because we were in the pool. All I can say is
-____________-That. And: There better be a frikken aftershock.
So after the earthquake and stuff, M and S joined us (They too were in a panic over this earthquake) and they swam with us. It was a good time, we had fun.
Tell us more, tell us more!
More? Maybe you need a life... But if you insist!
So after going on Chatroulette and having a less than pleasant experience, M and S made their way home, while E and I picked a fight with some grade nines. I'll post that conversation later.
Now I'm off to get ready, it's my uncles birthday and my cousin and I are going to an end of school event after that.
Quote of the day:
"Ale, there's a pine cone at the bottom of your pool."-S.
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