Thursday, June 24, 2010

Oh, Hispanic Women.

I need to go off on a tangent about last night, ready? Okay.

It was my uncles birthday, so I was over at his house with my family to celebrate it. Since it was the last day of school, my cousin and I had decided that we'd go to this party after cake and stuff since it was less than a minute away from her house.

We get ready, sing Happy Birthday and then start getting our things to go. We'd already gotten permission from our parents and my uncle was going to drive us.

Everything was cool.

Until my aunt got in the car with us.

And she's in her sweatpants, a tank top, and a big bun on her head. My cousin and I look at each other, knowing that this could not end well...

Cousin, "Dad's just gonna drive us there, you don't have to come..."
Aunt, "I'm coming. I'm going to make sure that there is supervision and that there are no drugs and alcohol."
Cousin, "No you're not. You're not getting out there."
Uncle, "Don't worry, I'll talk to the parents, you don't have to come." (He was just trying to make her happy but wasn't going to even get out of the car.)
Cousin, "Yeah, see? Dad will talk to them."
Aunt, "Well why can't I go?! See, there's probably no supervision, you're hiding something!"

*We start driving*

Cousin, "You're not gonna go in and start looking around at everyone like my grandma!"
Aunt, "Are you embarrassed of me?! I know I don't look nice but you can't be embarrassed of me! What's the big deal?! I'm just going to talk to the parents!"
Aunt, "That's just sad if you don't want to enjoy a party just because you're embarrassed of me!"
Cousin, "Whatever, whatever, we'll just go home!"
Aunt, *Points at my uncle* "I don't trust you anymore! Obviously there are no parents there if you won't let me go talk to them!"

This went on for a while... And in case you were wondering, yes, my aunt does have a thick Spanish accent. So yes, I was trying to not laugh the entire time this argument went on.

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